The Bald & the Beautiful

On Sunday, my hair slowly started to fall out. And by “fall out” I mean if I would tug lightly on my hair, 5-6 strands would come out straight with the hair follicle. From this I new my days were numbered before the big chop would come. My oncologist warned me that my hair would start falling out on day fourteen after my initial cycle. The nurses working at the Breast Resource Center also said that hair usually starts to fall out between 10-14, for sure there would be drastic loss by day 18.

I did not want to watch my hair fall out more and more each day, to a point were one big chunk would just drop off my head. On Monday night, the night before my second chemo cycle, we decided that I would shave my head the next day. Watching my hair fall out when I would brush my hands through it, was not easy. I would get emotional every time. Before the shaving was even considered I choose to get a very short hair cut the day before my mastectomy. This was one of the best decisions during this processes. I always wanted long hair, past my shoulder blades, but I knew I would soon begin chemo and I would have nothing left. If I wouldn’t have cut my hair then the change would be too drastic for me and I don’t know how I would have handled it. In fact I don’t even care to wonder.


My thinning hair on my Pathology book with the help of my tugging. I’m a little behind folks on my reading. ๐Ÿ™

My mother called her hair stylist, Sam, and she agreed to come the next day for 3pm. Thankfully Sam and my mom had discussed this difficult procedure when my mom went in for her hair cut a few weeks prior. I was extremely nervous the night before about getting this new do and also nervous about my next session. I kept getting emotional and thinking how hard it would be to see my little strands of hair that I had left fall to the floor. ๐Ÿ™

The day of chemo and my hair cut. ย I think God sent me an angle from the heavens. While Nikita and I were siting in the waiting area to register for my chemo throne, I saw a young woman walk by with her mother toward the infusion center. The young woman was bald. She had no hair, she wore no wig nor a scarf! I was truly amazed. She looked so beautiful, so courageous. I admired her, she inspired me. After seeing her, I felt a sense of ease to the whole procedure. It’s as if God showed me that bald is beautiful and that I have nothing to fear. I felt so peaceful and thought to myself ย “if she could walk around bald and tell the whole whole that I’m not ashamed, then so could I. No doubt.”

After lunch, we came home and wait for the lovely hair dresser Sam to arrive. When she came, we quickly made our way into my parents bathroom for the spa treatment to begin! She first buzzed my hair with a trimmer, by doing that she let me see a few stylish cuts that I could have one day. Then she buzzed it all off and nothing was left except for short stubs. We decided to shave the rest of it off so that the hair falling out would not follow me everywhere I went.ย I have three hair pieces that needed to be trimmed and Sam was kind enough to do those as well. ย During the exfoliating hair process, I was joined by my mother, my sister Anna, my twin Natalie via Skype, and my boyfriend Nikita. The whole time we were laughing and making jokes. It was painless!

I am now a Bald and Beautiful young woman and I am not ashamed to share my road to recovery with anyone. I had my doubts at first about posting these photos, but I must admit I look pretty damn good for a bald chick. My boyfriend has no problem with the way I look, I still turn him on ๐Ÿ™‚ :* The shape of my head isn’t bad either ๐Ÿ™‚

I’d like to give a special thanks to my hair dresser Sam

“Thank you for making this process a fun and silly one! much love! XOXO”

This entry was posted in My Blog.